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Educational Counselling and University Placement

With more than 25,000 courses and colleges to select from, making a suitable choice can be challenging. Our counsellors provide guidance and support by considering applicant’s natural potential, personality, interest and study habits, apart from marks scoring trends in their past academic years.

An individual can succeed in their course of study only if their chosen course is as per their natural attributes. This forms part of our crucial counselling process.

Visa Counselling and Interview Preparation

We provide complete assistance with student visa applications. This includes providing advice on documents required for the student visa and assisting in lodging the student visa application. We also work hand in hand with our respective university partners to organize mock visa interviews prior to students attending visa interviews.

The mock interview process helps to boost student’s confidence for their interviews which has resulted in increased student visa approvals.

Pre-Departure Orientation

Moving abroad requires a lot of preparation which can be daunting. Pre–Departure orientation is an important step in ensuring a successful experience for international students. The session gives students an opportunity to understand many realities of the new life they are about to embrace. In addition to providing logistical information, the briefing helps students to set realistic goals and expectations.

In addition to the above, students are encouraged to speak with people who have already studied abroad, as well as people from the country the student is planning to move to. It is also helpful for prospective students to pay attention to news and current events in the part of the world they will be going as this can also minimise their anxieties of moving abroad.

Institutional Partnerships

One of the most effective ways higher education providers can raise their international profile and reputation is through institutional partnerships. Institutional partnerships create opportunities for higher education providers to attract a more diverse student body and promote greater mobility of staff and students. These partnerships potentially impact the curriculum development through research collaboration, faculty exchange, teaching programmes and bilateral student exchanges.

If you are an institution desiring to explore these opportunities, please contact us.